Are you a future or existing FOODPRENUER in need of a shared use kitchen? Well, coming soon to the Packing House is a shared use kitchen designed to empower, elevate, and establish a thriving food entrepreneur community and support the local food ec…

Are you a future or existing FOODPRENUER in need of a shared use kitchen? Well, coming soon to the Packing House is a shared use kitchen designed to empower, elevate, and establish a thriving food entrepreneur community and support the local food economy. We are in the critical planning stages and the most important thing we need is YOU and what you may NEED in order to start or grow a food-based business. Please take a minute to complete the survey below. Your feedback will help us create a shared use kitchen and program that will help turn your dreams into reality!

Stay in the loop about progress on the shared use kitchen at The Packing House, sign-up below for updates and sneak peeks!